There is an easier way to display song lyrics.

Songserver is a lyric projection tool that helps you manage your worship sessions. It looks great and is simple to use. Anyone who can press buttons can control your lyrics, guaranteed! This is our best Songserver yet!

On the right is a rundown of what you can do.

Find a song to display!

Numbers. They do things.

You can change Verses by pressing the corresponding number on your keyboard.

Choruses. Refrains.

With Songserver, there is support for Prechorus P, Chorus C, Chorus2 V, and Chorus3 X.

Bridges aren't just for building (or burning).

Switching over to Bridge is done using B.

Titles deserve some love.

Titles can be jumped to using T. The titles display information including songname, authors, publishing company, copyright, and CCLI information.

TABS over windows, with valid HTML5.

Selected songs will now open in a new tab instead of a new window. On Windows, hit F11 (⌘+Shift+F for all you Mac users) to take advantage of your browser's fullscreen functionality. Switch to the next song by hitting Ctrl+PgDown (⌘+⌥+Right), or hit Ctrl+PgUp (⌘+⌥+Right) to go back. All without leaving that fullscreen resolution!

Adding lyrics has never been simpler. Never. Ever.

Can't find a song in the database and want to add your own?
No problemo.

Access restrictions apply.

Add a song!

Deal with ridiculously long songs.

Automatically supports up to 14 verses, 3 choruses, prechorus and a bridge. So you can solely worry about typing your lyrics correctly.

If you happen to encounter a wild song longer than 14 verses, give us a call. We'll work something out for you

Irregular verse order? E-Z P-Z lemon squeezy.

Now you can add verses in the order you wish for them to appear. And, no more manually typing in those pesky tags!

Oh shewt! Forgot to fill in a required field?

Haha, nice try. It won't pass our bulletproof validation.

Let us do the work.

We've got you covered!

Need help? Let us!

Microsoft Access? A thing of the past.

Welcome to MySQL. Make changes easily from the GUI frontend. You can add, edit, all without getting your hands dirty in the database. We'll take care of it.

And with PHP Database Objects, porting from database to database is simple. Almost too simple to be true.

Who needs ASPX?

With jQuery, PHP and MySQL, there's no need for ASPX. Windows servers running Microsoft IIS aren't even necessary (although, nobody's stopping you). Packages like WAMP, XAMP, MAMP, LAMP, will work just fine. Just about any webhost!

Custom request? Our specialty.

We have code monkeys working locally and out of town to satisfy you. Feel free to contact us.

Quick 'n Easy.

The ideal solution to satisfy trusted and not-so-trusted people.

We have user accounts

Grant administrator access to your AV team, while allowing your congregation to use the system. We'll lock down the Add, Edit, and Delete features, but you still can display songs.

Easily Manage Permissions

As administrator, you can manage all the user settings using the dash panel.